Tribute To Barry Harris
The passing of Maestro Barry Harris made me reflect on the many times I wanted to do something that could have been crucial for my development in music- yet I avoided doing so due to lack of money or absence of work.
Fortunately, I was given the opportunity to spend some time at Mr. Harris’ workshops in midtown, and now, more than ever, I truly understand how lucky I was to have had the lucidity be in attendance. Our time on this earth is so incredibly precious, and it’s imperative that we don’t take this for granted as it won’t last forever.
I didn't have that lucidity when Jimmy Cobb played at the Village Vanguard, as I could barely pay my rent, but looking back on it now, maybe I could have eaten rice for 3 days and experience a performance that could have been instilled in me for my whole life.
The main reason I’m writing this is to inspire others to invest their time, energy and money in the life experiences that are most important.
Maybe money is not the most important thing in this world- if that implies letting moments pass that could enrich ones existence and career forever.
Thank you Barry Harris for all you gave me.