The Zen and The Art Of Playing Bass
Two months ago I read this book that I bought right before the pandemic, it's called “The Zen and The Art Of Archery”written by this German Philosophy professor Eugen Herrigel who had the opportunity to teach in a Japanese university and study the Zen Philosophy and one of the disciplines tied to it, the art of archery.
I suggest this book to every musician seeking for some spiritual guidance that could help to make his/her relation to music deeper and healthier.
I’ll copy and paste a quote from the book hoping that it will get your attention and you’ll read it.
“...being able to wait without purpose in the state of highest tension...without continually asking yourself: Shall I be able to manage it? Wait patiently, as see what comes - and how it comes!”
Eugen Herrigel
P.S. thanks to Francesco Patti for showing me the book.