All Of You

The album “My Funny Valentine”by Miles Davis was recorded during a concert that “was part of a series of benefits staged at the recently built Philharmonic Hall (now known as David Geffen Hall), co-sponsored by the NAACP, the Congress of Racial Equality and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee.” (q. Carr, Miles Davis, p. 194.)

I remember when I heard for the first time this record, a high school friend of mine and my music teacher introduced it to me even though I had already bought this record during a trip in Scotland without really knowing what I had in my hands.

I really fell in love with this band, that later will be considered the beginning of Miles Davis’ second quintet with George Coleman who was replaced in 1964 (I believe) by the amazing Wayne Shorter who during his time with MIles wrote some of the best tunes such as Fall, Pinocchio, Nefertiti, E.S.P, bringing the Music to a WHOLE OTHER LEVEL.

I have to say though that in my teens my favorite band was the one with George. One of the things that I could not stop listening was the turnaround of George solo on the Cole Porter classic “All of You” as well as Herbie’s before Miles comes back. These moments for me are the perfect mix of execution, creativity and knowledge.

I don't really want to get too analytical and scientific so if you want to hear these parts I put two links below.

LINKS TO HEAR WHAT I’M TALKING ABOUT: George Coleman Turnaround section Herbie Hancock Turnaround Section


Session with W.Escoffery and L.Santaniello/ Ron Carter Golden Striker


The Zen and The Art Of Playing Bass