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The Complete Dean Benedetti Recordings of Charlie Parker

When I was twelve Cristiano Giardini,  my saxophone teacher at the time, told me the story of Dean Benedetti. Dean Benedetti was a saxophone player known for the amateur live recordings he made of Charlie Parker. He literally recorded all the Charlie Parker’s solos he could  without recording the full songs.

Fast forward sixteen years, I live in United States, I make my money and I buy this CD boxset on eBay for a good price. Yesterday, Ines, my 5 year-old student was crying because she was tired and she was waiting for her turn after her brother's class.

Fortunately, I just received in the mail a big package and I still hadn't open it. So, me and Ines opened it together and this big seven-CD box set with a 48-page booklet pops out.

We both were amazed by the pictures inside the booklet and we had a lot fun going through it while learning about Charlie Parker and his alto saxophone.

I really enjoy teaching small kids and being the first one to expose them to the music that I love. Kids are so receptive if you let them be and if you expose them to real art they will react and feel its power.

I had the blessing of having two parents that exposed me to these things since I was a little kid and now I like to do the same with my students, young or old.

Learning to play an instrument is a way to connect to what we can't process with our five senses and feel what you can't explain with words.