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Seeing the Master after one and half year of pandemic

On Sept 13 2021, after roughly one year and a half, I went to see Ron Carter again in person at his apartment. For the occasion I asked my girlfriend if I could borrow her Polaroid so that I could take some pictures of this moment that for a long time I took for granted but that was taken from me and many others because of the COVID 19 pandemic. It is a real privilege to be hanging around Mr. Carter, for lessons, Christmas hangs, Concerts and for a while it became so rooted in my NYC routine that it seemed it was never going to end until a deadly virus slowed the world down and forced us to stay at home until further notice.

Anyways, I decided to prepare the prelude of Bach’s 3rd cello suite, a very beautiful piece and so far one of my favorite excerpts from the Cello Suites. Also, Mr.Carter spent a lot of time figuring out different ways of playing this pieces and different approaches and fingerings. The people that knows him or studied with him know how much he cares about the Suites. We spent a whole hour working through every passage and analyzing the harmony that underlines the piece, he in fact said that although my fingerings were really good I was rushing through the piece and not taking advantage of the breathing points that the end of a specific harmonic phrase was suggesting.

He also got a new bass that I got to try out and man, playing Bach on a Ron Carter bass is always a treat, seems like those basses are set up to play the Cello Suites!