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Radom reflections and thoughts.

I’m here at my parents house and right now I am in the living room listening to Ornette Coleman live at Golden Circle volume 1 & 2. The living room is where I have spent hours and hours playing instruments and listening all kinds of music sitting on the couch facing the record player.

While enjoying the music I am also realizing that it’s great to be in Villarosa, where I grew up. I am lucky to have a shelter outside of New York where I can breathe slowly and focus on things that I couldn’t do in the big apple. Listening is one of these. Here I have, more than ever, the time to fill my mind with new music and check out again the classics of my upbringing that I don’t have with me in Brooklyn.

As a child I was lucky to grow up in a house where there are bunch of records of all kinds of music and two parents that supported my passion allowing me to buy records, books and DVDs. I loved this music without ever knowing why, I was pulled by the front covers of these classic records like Miles Davis live at the Blackhawk or Money Jungle and the amazing stories that I would read on my dad’s Jazz Books and Encyclopedias.

Now, after years of listening and trying to understand the “Ws” of everything that i hear, I want to go back to being an innocent listener and just get hit by the sound that people create today and created then.

I always find ways to analyze and justify what people have created and many times this has led me to forget what music is really about, which is the sound and its consequence.

Sound and Consequence. Everything that we play has a consequence, it makes the listeners feel specific feelings and brings them into an emotional trip.

As a musician, I spend so much time talking about music when instead, the best thing to do would be going to a concert or to put on a record and just listen, even distractedly or while doing something else.

Fortunately I still remember how it feels.