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Practicing Music is my meditation

For many years now I practice everyday, it’s my way to relax and get into a meditative state of mind. Even in the crazy New York rhythm of life somehow I try to keep it consistent.

What should I practice? There are many answers to this question and I can say that my answers changed in ten years of serious dedication and I’m sure that will change in the decades to come.

Nowadays I might be practicing one thing (etude, a solo transcription, classical piece) for many months until i get it really tight and in tune and work on all the nuances but, while doing that I also try to keep a good balance in which I also keep up with the BASICS.

Basics, by that i mean Sound, Intonation,Scales and Arpeggios, Shiftings, Reading, reviewing/learning tunes or trying to play them in different key signature, tempo or meter. Obviously I don’t do all of that everyday, that would be impossible if you count all the other things that you have to do in a day, but I might do 2 or 3 things every day even If I have only 20 min one day i still try do have a practicing moment.