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A few thoughts on Social Media

Let’s be real.

Social media are out there, we use them and we tend to give credit to what people post on them.

What I’ve been thinking about is how inaccurate the idea that social media are a fake reality.

In fact, to any degree, either if we are talking of a popstar or a random user that uses social media for mere entertainment purposes posting a picture of his/her latest hiking trip, social media are presenting us an aspect, a choice of who is creating the post.

Social media truly represents how people go about business, ideologies, tastes, personal opinions and so on.

When someone puts out something, a product or an idea and therefore creates an engagement of some sort, you can actually learn a lot about the personality of who is “selling” by the language and the content used.

Social media are not a fake reality. What do I mean by that?

If you post something to get more attention but that doesn’t align with your true values, doesn’t that become your actual image?

If you are writing posts or if someone is doing that for you under your supervision, doesn’t that content eventually become who you are and what you think? At least part of it.

So if my content says  “How to learn to play electric bass like Jaco Pastorius in 3 days” or “ If you have 1000 $ these are your next 10 moves”, doesn’t that eventually become who I am and a clear statement of my persona inside and outside of a social media platform?

I know it might sound like a paradox but I believe that even if “Social media is like SportsCenter. It’s a highlight reel!” quoting Christian McBride, it still shows who we are even if we don’t want it to, because of the choices we make about what we decide to like, post and share.